
The convent was built in 1927 according to the design of Clement Anthonius Hardeman, a well-known Dutch architect. In addition to the convent with a garden, the sisters also purchased land near the Roman Catholic church, where school buildings were constructed, including the three-class elementary school, the nursery school (predecessor of the kindergarten), and the sewing school. The sisters of the congregation "Het Allerheiligst Hart van Jezus" came from the village of Moerdijk in Brabant to Dalfsen with the aim of providing education in the Catholic school.

The nuns had to adjust to the mentality of their new environment. Unlike the Brabantian conviviality, the people in Dalfsen were less accessible and led more austere lives. Once acclimated to Dalfsen, their contact with the parents of the children became more open. They became an integral part of the community and shared joys and sorrows together. The school-going children and young adults, for example, were actively involved in religious church ceremonies in roles such as altar servers. The goal was to foster their involvement and encourage them to have a deeper religious experience.

In 1962, the school's management was taken over, and the sisters left Dalfsen. Five of the nine sisters settled in the nearby convent in Lemelerveld.

You can find more information on the monastery's website:.http://www.hetkloostervandalfsen.nl/toen-nu

Dalfsen is a village and municipality in the province of Overijssel, near the provincial capital Zwolle. Dalfsen is an ancient village, with the earliest information about it dating back to the beginning of the thirteenth century. It is a larger settlement but has never been granted city rights, likely due to the presence of several castles in the surrounding area. The center of Dalfsen is characterized by quaint old houses and church buildings. Additionally, Dalfsen offers modern shops, supermarkets, and charming cafes and restaurants.

Dalfsen is popular among tourists because of the beautiful nature in the immediate surroundings. This natural environment is perfect for cycling and hiking. The Rechteren Castle is an impressive castle dating back to the fourteenth century and is still inhabited by the family, so it is unfortunately not open to visitors. However, there are many enjoyable activities to explore in Dalfsen and the surrounding area. The Klooster van Dalfsen has gathered a number of recommendations on their website: https://www.hetkloostervandalfsen.nl/tips/

Source: https://www.mooistedorpjes.nl/nederland/overijssel/dalfsen/


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