key facts

What is the name of the training?

Sanctuary, English Language & Lounge Weekend
The name reflects the core aspects of the course: language acquisition, a relaxed learning environment, and a compact timeframe.

Sanctuary refers to a place or environment where individuals feel secure, at ease, or free from disturbance. It is often used to evoke a sense of peace, solace, and spiritual connection, whether in a religious context or in the context of finding a place of respite and tranquility in everyday life.

Where is the training held?

Het Klooster van Dalfsen, Oosterstraat 8, 7721 CL Dalfsen (10 km. east of Zwolle)

When does the training take place?

17 - 19 November 2023

How long does the training last?

Friday 4:30 PM to Sunday 2:00 PM.
We expect you to arrive on Friday between 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM at the Klooster van Dalfsen. After you've checked in, there will be a welcome drink, and you'll meet the trainer and the other participants.


Is the training inclusive of

Due to our strong emphasis on immersion in the English language, we provide standard accommodation at the Klooster van Dalfsen on Friday and Saturday, and this is included in the total price. This allows you to enjoy an English-speaking environment uninterrupted and benefit from an even deeper learning experience.

Read more about the accommodation options here (new window).


For whom is the training intended?

For anyone who is motivated to engage in conversations in English with increasing effectiveness, confidence, and gradually more fluency, and who wants to practice intensively (practice makes perfect).

The trainer and the training context, as well as the trainer's feedback, are entirely focused on providing a language-rich (full immersion), safe, and above all, relaxed learning environment. We see this as an essential foundation for effective education. A positive and stimulating setting allows you to challenge yourself, grow, and thrive.


What is covered, among other things, during the training?

Small talk (training in everyday, informal conversations. This includes discussing light topics like the weather, hobbies, interests, and so on. Practicing small talk helps you learn how to engage in friendly conversations and connect with others in social situations. This is important for easily communicating with people and building relationships, especially in informal settings like parties, gatherings, or even in the workplace. It helps you become socially more confident.)

Expanding and practicing vocabulary in context (learning new words and placing them in sentences or situations where they are typically used. This not only helps you understand the meaning of the word but also how it is applied in real communication. It helps you remember words more effectively and use them correctly when speaking or writing in English. It's a powerful way to enhance your language skills and gain confidence in using new words.)

Compensatory strategies (a technique or approach used to overcome deficiencies or difficulties in understanding or remembering new words. It's a way to learn and comprehend more effectively.)

Lexical diversification (the use of different words or phrases with similar meanings to increase variety and richness in language expression. It's an important aspect of improving language skills and communicative effectiveness.)

Pronunciation (Accurate pronunciation is invaluable because it not only paves the way for fluent conversations but also significantly boosts your confidence in English. We understand that many individuals sometimes feel uncertain about how they sound when speaking, and that's why we're here to alleviate those insecurities. Throughout the weekend, we will practice the correct sounds, intonation, and stresses with the aim of speaking clearly and comprehensibly. Improving your English pronunciation will not only enhance smoother communication but also strengthen your ability to confidently communicate in both personal and professional situations.

What are the costs of the training?

€ 860,00 (all-inclusive)
Two nights, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are included. This also covers all beverages (coffee / tea / water / snacks) on the premises. Beverages at external locations are at your own expense.

If you stay in a double room with two people, there is a one-time discount of € 45.00 per person. If you come alone and use a double room, there is a one-time surcharge of € 20.00.


At what level is the course taught?

The course level is B1 (pre-intermediate or high beginner) / B2 (intermediate or advanced).

Read more about language levels (opens in a new window).


Are personal goals taken into account?

First and foremost, we hope that the concept of the weekend appeals to you and aligns well with your expectations. Through a comprehensive intake form, you can articulate your personal goals and specify the contexts in which you currently use or intend to use your English language skills (work, hobbies, vacations, family, etc.). This information can be made specific so that the trainer can tailor the program to accommodate your needs.

However, please keep in mind that it is a group training, and while you will certainly receive personal feedback from the trainer (which you can request), the emphasis is primarily on interaction with the other participants and the trainer.


Are there any requirements for participation in the training?

We expect that you have at least a strong A2 level of English proficiency, which means that you can, for example, navigate comfortably while traveling in an English-speaking country.


Who is the trainer, and does he/she also stay at the monastery during the weekend?

You can find a brief description of the tutor here. The tutor indeed stays with the group from the beginning to the end of the retreat and is an integral part of the group, including during social gatherings.

(Note: "Tutor" might be a more fitting term; a tutor guides the learning process, while a trainer focuses on imparting skills and knowledge.)


What is the number of participants?

There is one group at the location, consisting of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 participants. Additionally, there are no other guests during the weekend; the monastery is exclusively reserved for the participants of the English Language & Lounge Weekend.


How can I sign up?

You can register either through the "sign up!" button on every page or by calling us at 085 40 19 200.

After registration, we will send you a confirmation within 2 working days, along with an invoice for € 125.00. This is an (one-time) advance payment towards the course fee. Once we receive the advance payment, you will be officially enrolled in the course, and we will reserve your spot.

This advance payment will be deducted from the final invoice. In the event that the course does not take place, the advance payment will be promptly refunded to your account.



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